GERMADINE Skin Antiseptic solution
Patient preoperative skin preparation
The 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) and 70% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) formulation acts fast and shows persistent antimicrobial activity for at least 48 hours.
Skin antiseptics for use before injections, punctures and surgical procedures with fast and comprehensive activity and rapid and persistent action for pre and post-surgical skin antisepsis.
Skin Antisepsis:
Since the patient’s skin is a major source of pathogens that cause surgical-site infection, optimization of preoperative skin antisepsis may decrease postoperative infections. Preoperative skin cleansing with Chlorhexidine–alcohol is more protective against infection.
- Each procedure – from the daily routine injection to extensive surgery – penetrates the skin’s protective barrier and holds the risk of microorganisms reaching into deeper skin layers. Besides the microorganisms of the transient skin flora, especially the body’s resident germs are a potential danger. In case pathogens get into the inside of the body, they can cause abscesses, inflammations and blood stream infections. The danger of infection is significantly reduced by consistent skin antisepsis.
- For skin antisepsis, preferably alcohol-based preparations are used. They possess a rapid, broad effect and good skin tolerability. Alcohol-based skin antiseptics obtain an intense initial microorganism reduction. The skin flora then requires a longer time for achieving its baseline bacterial count. With this property – experts define it as sustained effect – alcohol-based antiseptics provide a persistent, antimicrobial effect. During medical procedures, the resident skin flora only recovers very slowly, so that a risk of germ penetration does not exist. As skin antisepsis primarily targets the resident skin flora, the long-term effect plays an important role when selecting a preparation.
- Ready to use.
- Colorless.
- Free fragrance.